Oily skin not only interferes with appearance, but can also be the cause of acne, blackheads, and clogged pores.

But now there are many facial skin care products that are claimed to provide maximum results such as reducing oily skin problems.
But of course, this can also be balanced with natural treatments.
The following are facial care tips to reduce oily skin problems that you can do at home. Anything? Here’s the list!

Clean your face regularly
Many of us are lazy to clean our face after our daily activities. It turns out that this triggers the production of excess oil on the face. Therefore, be diligent in washing your face at least twice a day, namely before your activity (wake up) and after activities or before going to bed.

Clean your face with warm water
Warm water is known to open the skin pores so that excess oil will come out perfectly and we can clean it. Warm water can also kill bacteria and germs.

Diligently remove make up
After a day’s activities, the face needs to be cleaned especially after using makeup. Chemicals that are too long attached to the face will have a bad effect on the face, therefore we must remove them from the face.

Using lime
Just like lemons, limes are also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. These ingredients can help the skin to avoid acne, and deal with excess oil. Lime is also believed to be effective in brightening facial skin. The trick is simply to take lime juice or split a lime then apply it on the face evenly. Let stand for 10-15 minutes until the face feels slightly dry then rinse with clean water.

Using banana
Bananas contain high potassium, which if consumed regularly can control the release of fluid in cells and sodium balance so that it is good for dealing with excess oil production on the face.

All you have to do is crush a banana to form a paste and then apply it on a cleansed face. Choose ripe bananas that are yellow and have black spots. Do not be too ripe or immature. After the face feels drier and the mask is well absorbed, clean the face using clean water.

Using lemon
Rich in vitamin C, lemons are effective in dealing with excess oil. Vitamin C is known to be able to clean oil and remove red spots on the skin. Vitamin C is also able to protect the skin from free radicals. The trick is to simply squeeze 1 lemon, take the water and then apply it on the face area evenly. Wait 10-15 minutes until the face feels drier then rinse with clean water.

Egg whites
Egg whites contain ingredients that can absorb and reduce excess oil. It can also help the lime mask to give maximum results. Make the egg white as a mixture of the lime mask and then wipe it thinly to the face area evenly then rinse with cold water.

Using apple
Apples contain potassium which plays an important role in regulating heart rate, regulating metabolism and balancing cells and tissues in the body. Of course this can balance the oil in the facial skin so that it is not excessive. Simply consume apples regularly so that oil production on the skin becomes balanced. The sugar content of the fructose type in apples is also friendly for consumption for owners of oily facial skin.

Jicama is widely used as a facial whitening product in the world of beauty. Not only brightening, it is also able to overcome oily skin. The content of B and C, which are known to play an important role in facial freshness, is widely contained in yam. Simply using a yam mask or also consuming yam regularly can reduce excess oil production on the face.

Milk is nothing new in the world of beauty. Known to whiten and make skin smoother and supple. It can also treat and keep the skin healthy and moisturized, but not oily because of the collagen and vitamin B6 contained in it. Regular consumption of milk in balance with other healthy foods can overcome oily skin problems.

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